(Thời gian cho mỗi câu hỏi bạn làm trong vòng 1 phút)
✍️ Bạn hãy nhập Tên & Lớp rồi bấm nút lệnh BẮT ĐẦU LÀM BÀI
✍️ Bài tập gồm 10 câu hỏi, thời gian làm bài mỗi câu 60s
✍️ Sau khi trả lời xong câu hỏi bạn bấm nút lệnh CÂU TIẾP THEO để trả lời câu hỏi tiếp theo
✍️ Sau khi bạn đã trả lời xong câu hỏi bạn bấm nút lệnh KẾT QUẢ để kiểm tra BÀI LUYỆN TẬP TOEFL TRỰC TUYẾN MIỄN PHÍ.
✍️ Bạn bấm nút KIỂM TRA KẾT QUẢ so sánh xem mình sai ở đâu. CHÚC BẠN LÀM BÀI TẬP HIỆU QUẢ.
✍️ Để tải bài tập về máy tính bạn bấm nút nếu bạn muốn in File, hãy bấm vào nút tải, tại cửa sổ tải tập tin bạn bấm chuột vào biểu tượng máy in để in nhanh bài tập.
✍️ Nếu bạn muốn thực hành BÀI TẬP TOEFL khác bạn hãy chọn
✍️ In this part you will see short conversations between two people. Choose the best answer to each question. Answer the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied by the speakers.
Điền thông tin để làm bài
Tên: Apu
Lớp: 9
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The Listening section of the test measures the ability to understand conversations and talks in English. Answer all the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied by the speakers you hear. Do not take notes.
In this part you will see short conversations between two people. Choose the best answer to each question. Answer the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied by the speakers.
1. Woman: Pardon me. Do you know what time that this store opens?
Man: I do not, but I believe that it is written on the door.
Narrator: What does the man imply that the woman should do?
a. Look on the door
b. Open the door
c. Ask someone else
d. Come back later
2. Woman: I am going to buy Johnny a toy train for his birthday.
Man: Are you sure he’d like one?
Narrator: What does the man imply?
a. Johnny loves toy trains
b. Johnny already has too many toy trains
c. Johnny said he wants a toy train
d. Johnny may prefer something else
3. Man: I need some shampoo for my hair.
Woman: All of the shampoo is in the back of the store on the third shelf.
Narrator: What will the man probably do?
a. Walk out of the store
b. Buy the shampoo
c. Come back later
d. Go to another store
4. Man: Are you going to go to the University of Texas to get your Doctorate?
Woman: I don’t think so.
Man: Why, have you been accepted to any other schools?
Woman: Yes, I have received news of acceptance from LSU, University of Tennessee, and Harvard.
Narrator: What are the speakers discussing?
a. The University of Texas
b. Schools with Doctorate programs
c. Where the woman will go to school
d. Who can get accepted to the most schools
5. Man: I’m really tired on studying for economics every weekend.
Woman: I hear you.
Narrator: What does the woman mean?
a. She has excellent hearing
b. She has heard the man talk about this frequently
c. She understands his point of view
d. She needs to have her ears checked
6. Man: We are going to get ice cream. Would you like to come with us?
Woman: I am waiting for a package to be delivered.
Narrator: What does the woman imply?
a. She does not eat ice cream
b. She has no money
c. She does not like packages
d. She will not be going
7. Woman: Are you going to go to the ball game?
Man: You bet!
Narrator: What does the man mean?
a. He will place a wager on the ball game
b. He will definitely go to the ball game
c. He likes to gamble
d. He does not like ball games
8. Man: That’s a nice car.
Woman: I got it almost four years ago.
Man. It looks brand new.
Woman: Yes, it’s in good shape.
Narrator: What does the woman mean?
a. The woman needs a new car
b. She likes to exercise
c. She has a new car
d. The car is in good condition
9. Man: Did you get you movie passes?
Woman: I spoke to your secretary about it, and she took care of it for me.
Narrator: What does the man mean?
a. The secretary was responsible for getting the movie passes
b. The are no movie passes
c. He has the movie passes
d. The movie passes are in the mail
10. Man: How do you like living in America?
Woman: I am used to it know.
Narrator: What does the woman mean?
a. She has always liked living in America
b. She hates living in America
c. She is accustomed to living in America
d. She would rather live in America
11. Woman: Marie sure likes shopping.
Man: If only she liked doing homework as well!
Narrator: What does the man imply about Marie?
a. She is very likeable
b. She does not put much effort into her homework
c. She goes to the mall everyday
d. She has a lot of homework
12. Man: I thought I was supposed to perform the experiment in Room 45.
Woman: No. Ticket 45 is in Room 54.
Narrator: What will the man probably do?
a. Go to Room 54
b. Go to Room 45
c. Buy a ticket
d. Go home
13. Man: Did you know that Tracey and Bob are back from their honeymoon to Las Vegas?
Woman: So they did get married after all.
Narrator: What had the woman assumed about Tracey and Bob?
a. They were still in Las Vegas
b. They would not get married
c. They had a spectacular wedding
d. They hate Las Vegas
14. Man: Do you usually take a nap?
Woman: I do now and then.
Narrator: What does the woman mean?
a. She occasionally takes a nap
b. She always takes a nap
c. She never takes a nap
d. She used to take a nap
15. Man: Can you believe it? I got an A on my Finance exam Woman: Way to go!
Narrator: What does the woman mean?
a. She is asking where to go
b. She wants him to leave her alone
c. She is congratulating him
d. She thinks he is a liar
16. Man: How did the job interview go?
Woman: I could not have been more pleased.
Narrator: What does the woman mean?
a. The interview went very well
b. The woman did not like the interview
c. The interview was cancelled
d. The interview went terrible
17. Man: Do you mind if I turn on some music for a while?
Woman: No, I don’t mind.
Narrator: What does the woman mean?
a Music will not bother her
b. She hates listening to music
c. She wants to think harder
d. She does not have any music